Sri Dakshinamurthy Stotram Meaning in Telugu

Chaganti Koteswara rao garu dakshina murthy stotram with meaning

Sri Dakshinamurthy Stotram Meaning in Telugu

Dakshinamurthy is an aspect of the Hindu god Shiva as a guru (teacher) of all types of knowledge. This aspect of Shiva, as the original guru, is his personification as the supreme or the ultimate awareness, understanding, and knowledge.

The Dakshinamurti Stotra is a Sanskrit hymn to Shiva, composed by Adi Shankaracharya. It is a beautiful and profound meditation on the nature of reality and the path to liberation. The hymn begins with a description of Shiva in the form of Dakshinamurti, the “Teacher of the South.” Shiva is seated in a yogic posture, with his right hand in the gesture of teaching and his left hand in the gesture of protection. He is surrounded by sages, who are all eager to learn from him.

By reciting Dakshinamurthy stotram, one can get the grace of God Surya who can reduce the doshas in one’s Horoscope. Also can be benefited by knowing the supreme truth that god or supreme soul are the one who is beyond all and present everywhere.

What is the use of Dakshinamurthy Stotram?

The Dakshinamurti Stotra is arguably the most important minor verse to be attributed to Adi Shankara. In a compilation of ten stanzas, the hymn offers avivid description of the philosophical significance of the form of Shiva.

Which day is auspicious for Dakshinamurthy?

Thursdays are considered auspicious to start any educational endeavors. It is on Thursdays that special worship services are offered to Dakshinamurthy in many Saivite temples.

What is the power of Dakshinamurthy?

The term “Dakshina” also means “one who has power/capacity.” Some understand this to refer to the power to create, sustain, and destroy the Universe. Hence, Dakshinamurthy is ultimate Nirguna Brahman who creates, sustains, and destroys the Universe

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