Significance Of Toli Ekadasi


Significance Of Toli Ekadasi

Toli Ekadasi is the famous Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Toli Ekadashi is regarded as one of the most significant vrats observed by the Hindu community.

The word Ekadashi has been derived from the Sanskrit ‘Ekadasi’ – means eleven. Ekadashi occurs on the 11th day of every fortnight in according to a traditional Hindu lunar calendar. Two Ekadashis occur in every Hindu month, once during the waxing phase of the moon (Shukla Paksha) and the other during the waning phase of the moon (Krishna Paksha).

Toli Ekadasi is the holy day is of special significance to Vaishnavas, followers of Hindu preserver god Vishnu.

On this day Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi are worshipped, the entire night is spent singing prayers, and devotees keep fast and take vows on this day, to be observed during the entire chaturmas, the holy four-month period of rainy season.

According to the Hindu scriptures, a strict vrat or fast is observed by the devotees from the sunset on the day prior to the Ekadashi until sunrise on the day after Ekadashi, lasting the fasting duration to 48 hours in total.