Rabies Causes, Symptoms,Treatment and Prevention

Rabies Causes, Symptoms,Treatment and Prevention

Rabies is a virus spread to people from the saliva of infected animals. It is almost fatal if left untreated. It attacks the central nervous system and this virus travels along nerves towards the brain from there to nearly all parts of the body. Domestic dogs, cats, and rabbits, and wild animals are able to transfer the virus to humans via bites and scratches.

Symptoms of Rabies

->The first and most common symptoms of rabies is very much similar to those of the flu and may last for days.
->The most unique symptoms of rabies infection is a tingling or twitching sensation in the area around the animal bite.
->The other symptoms includes:-
->Bizarre or abnormal thoughts.
->Weakness, paralysis
->Increased production of saliva or tears
->Extreme sensitivity to bright lights, sounds, or touch
->Difficulty speaking

The virus may be isolated from saliva or through a skin biopsy. However, by the time a diagnosis is confirmed, it may be too late to take action. In humans, health care professionals diagnose rabies by testing saliva, blood samples, spinal fluid, and skin samples.

Prevention of Rabies
1.Call animal control to remove all stray animals from your neighbourhood since these animals may be not vaccinated or ill.
2.Keeping your pets up to date on their rabies vaccination will prevent them from acquiring the disease from wildlife.
3.Children are more likely to be bitten by dogs. So teach them not to approach or touch animals.
4.Stay away from animals showing signs of rabies
5.Educational information and awareness about Rabie

Treatment of Rabies
Seek immediate medical care if you’re bitten by any animal, suspected of having rabies. The next critical step to prevent rabies includes a dose of immunoglobulin against the rabies virus followed by a strict schedule of a series of injections to prevent an infection from setting in. Post exposure vaccination has saved thousands of lives.