Health Benefits of Garlic

Health Benefits of Eating garlic

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is as an excellent source of manganese and vitamin B6, a very good source of vitamin C and copper, and a good source of selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, and calcium. The sulfur compounds in garlic serve as its spotlight nutrients in terms of overall health .

Here know about the Health Benefits of Garlic for Men , Health Benefits of Garlic for Women, Garlic Health benefits.
Garlic contains high levels of manganese, calcium, vitamin B1, B6 and C, phosphorous, copper, potassium, selenium and tryptophan.

garlic boosts the immune system.

Consuming garlic on a daily basis helps to lower cholesterol levels because of the anti-oxidant properties of Allicin. It is also immensely beneficial to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Garlic could end your hair loss problems because of its high levels of allicin, a sulfur compound similar to that found in onions, which were found to effectively treat hair loss.