Essential Health Benefits of Banana For Kids
In this article let us know about the Essential Health Benefits of Banana For Kids.
Banana is known as the powerhouse of nutrients. They are first fruit solid food generally introduced to toddlers.
Bananas are rich in several nutrients, fiber and essential vitamins, which are healthy for babies, kids, teens, and adults also.
Banana is a nutritious energy packed fruit which contains vitamin B6, vitamin C, fibre, potassium, iron, manganese, vitamin A, biotin, and other nutrients.
Banana is low in fat. It contain Glucose, fructose, and sucrose, the natural sugars, which boosts energy.
Bananas are rich in antioxidants, which protects the children against several chronic diseases.
Bananas contain carbohydrates, which gives instant energy for kids, as the Children are physically active whole day.
The fiber content in banana helps in good digestion. Regular intake of bananas helps in preventing gastrointestinal problems and also relieves constipation in children.
Bananas have a good amount Iron content, which is essential for the production of haemoglobin in the blood and prevent anaemia.
Bananas have high potassium and magnesium content, and low sodium content, which is a great combination to regulate blood pressure in kids.
Bananas are rich in potassium, which neutralizes the sodium in your child’s diet and makes the child’s bones strong. The calcium lost during urination can be supplemented by taking banana. Eating banana everyday helps the bones to grow stronger.
The Potassium present in bananas helps in blood circulation and boosts the brain. They helps to increase the child’s concentration power.
Banana helps in improving vision and gives better eyesight. The Vitamin A present in bananas protects retina from any kind of diseases and improves eye vision.
There are numerous health benefits of banana. Banana is a healthy diet for your children. Bananas are very beneficial for kids at every stage. Eating bananas before breakfast may help promoting satiety and aid digestive health.

Eat Bananas and stay healthy. They can be consumed directly or in any form. As Banana is a seasonal fruit and you can intake Pineapples in any form.
Banana Chips
You can order Allzen Foods online – Banana Fruit Chips which are made natural farm fresh real fruits. They are made with Freeze drying process, which retains the real fruit values. No added preservatives/Sugar, contains Just freeze dried fruit, no other additives.
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