Eating Bananas During Pregnancy

Eating Bananas During Pregnancy

Eating Bananas During Pregnancy

Bananas are high in potassium, calcium, and many other essential nutrients. According to a study eating bananas during pregnancy provide multitudinous advantages for both the mother and the baby.

Bananas contain high amounts of starches, dietary fiber, vitamin C and B, essential fatty acids, and vital minerals, which are useful of healthy pregnancy.

Eating Bananas During Pregnancy

Bananas are loaded with Iron content, which makes to meet you the need for blood during pregnancy and also supports the growth of the fetus. It prevents anemia which is one of the most common issue in pregnancy.

Morning sickness and nausea is common during the first trimister of pregnancy. Bananas are has high content of vitamin B6. These helps to minimize the issue, when combined with doxylamine, an antihistamine .

Folic acid is essential for brain and spinal cord development of fetus. Folic acid deficiency can cause congenital disabilities and premature delivery. By eating Bananas which are a good source of folic acid and helps reduce the above problems.

Bananas are rich potassium, which is an important nutrient to maintain healthy blood pressure. Eating bananas regularly helps to keep blood pressure in control during pregnancy.

Bananas are rich in fiber, which is an essential nutrient for digestion. Intake of high fiber in diet can helps in regular bowel movements and prevent constipation, which is a common issue during pregnancy.

Bananas boost energy instantly. Bananas contain simple sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose plays an important role in boosting energy.

Eat Bananas and stay healthy. They can be consumed directly or in any form. As Banana is a seasonal fruit and you can intake Bananas in any form.

Banana Fruit Chips

Banana Chips
You can order Allzen Foods online – Banana Fruit Chips which are made natural farm fresh real fruits. They are made with Freeze drying process, which retains the real fruit values. No added preservatives/Sugar, contains Just freeze dried fruit, no other additives.

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