About Hindu God Lord Sri Krishna
Lord Sri Krishna is a major deity in Hinduism. Lord Krishna is worshipped as one of the eighth avatars of Lord Vishnu and also as the Supreme god.
Lord Krishna is a said to be god of love, protection, compassion, and tenderness. He is one of the most popular and widely revered Hinduism.
Lord Sri Krishna became the focus of numerous devotional cults, over the centuries wealth of religious poetry, music, and painting.
The narratives of Krishna’s life are called as Krishna Leela. The main sources of Krishna’s mythology are the Mahabharata epic and Harivamsha, and the Puranas, mainly Books X and XI of the Bhagavata-purana.
Krishna is a main character in the Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavata Purana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, as per mentioned in Hindu philosophical, theological, and mythological texts.
Many Puranas, which are compiled during the 4–5th century CE, Gupta period explained Krishna’s life story or some main highlights from it. The Bhagavata Purana and the Vishnu Purana, contain the most elaborate story of Krishna’s life story.

The great variety of legends associated with Lord Krishna’s life led to representation in painting and sculpture. Krishna in the form of child Krishna or Balakrishna is depicted crawling or dancing, and a ball of butter held in his hands.
Every year Lord Sri Krishna’s birthday is celebrated on Krishna Janmashtami, according to Hindu calendar, which falls in the month of August or September.
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